Tuesday, March 4, 2008

day one! 3-3-08

Today we learned the very basics of carpentry. Including the safety, tools, types of wood, styles to cut. The difference between a section view and plan view is the section view is a sketch from the side of your project, and the plan view is a bird's eye sketch (top view). As I told you, we learned a bit about safety today, so each crew made a skit about something unsafe. The second part of the skit is us showing how the unsafe thing could have been avoided. Our crew chose to show why not to horseplay while sawing a piece of wood. We showed me cutting while another kid jumped back and the saw cut my fingers off (no one was harmed in the making of this skit). We also learned about different saws, like the difference between an American saw and Japanese saw. An American saw's teeth are made to push through the wood (when you push forward it cuts better). A Japanese saw's teeth are made to pull through the wood (when you pull backward it cuts better). Mr. Larry Rosenstock visited our class to teach us different things. Throughout his whole lecture he couldn't stress the saying "measure twice, cut once". That means check your measurement AT LEAST TWO TIMES! I cant wait to learn more throughout the next two weeks.

*Please read on to the rest of my day-by-day blogs*

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